Code of Behaviour

St Mary’s College RFC

Code of Behaviour


All members of St Mary’s College RFC shall, at all times, act in a manner consistent with maintaining the good name of the club. Respect must be shown at all times towards the officers, the staff and constitution of the club.

Drunkenness and disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. It is strictly forbidden to bring alcoholic drinks into the club for consumption therein. It is the strong intention of the executive committee that the club should be a place of happy enjoyment and camaraderie for all and so it is important that members respect the rights of others.

Any member acting in a disgraceful, violent or shameful way will be liable to sanction, including expulsion.

Playing Code

All players representing St Mary’s College RFC must be members of the club. They should be of good standing. No person who is not a member must ever represent the club in any game. There are many benefits from being a member, but also there is a responsibility of paying the annual subscription. Players, who do not feel that the club deserves the respect or is worth the paying of the modest subscription, should consider their position. It should be noted that, the annual subscription does not cover the player’s insurance fee; the club subsidises this. In due circumstances players may make arrangements with their team management, the Honorary Secretary or the Honorary Treasurer, to pay subscriptions by instalments over a period of months.

Players, selected for a team must inform the management of that team immediately, if they are not available, and no player should except under unforeseeable circumstances, cry off later than the Thursday prior to the game.

Selected players must turn up in good time for their match, as designated by the team management. Any player who does not turn up for a game will not be selected again until the rugby committee has received an acceptable explanation and apology.

Players, who do not train as required, may not be selected unless the team management feel there is an acceptable reason. Players who train regularly should be given precedence in selection. Players' attitudes to training, playing, to their coaches and teammates may be taken into account when selections are being made.

Players should ensure that they provide themselves with the official playing wear. St Mary's jerseys, white shorts, blue socks and football boots must be worn and should be clean before taking the field. Those wearing dirty, un-matching or incorrectly coloured shorts or jerseys may not be allowed to take the field by the referee and may be later disciplined by the rugby committee. Players should maintain a sporting attitude at all times towards opponents and should join in three cheers for them, after each game. Mingling socially with opponents after games is encouraged.

Foul Play

Any player who is sent off during a game must retire from the field immediately and without any dissention or abuse to the referee. Players, sent off during a match will receive an automatic two-match suspension. Any indiscipline or violence by a St Mary's player during a game must be reported, by the team management, to the Rugby Directorate. In the event of any serious violence or dangerous play by a club member, a report should be prepared, including witness statements, by the management, for the Rugby Directorate. The Rugby Directorate has the power to summon all those involved, including witnesses, to a hearing and to impose a ban, fine or other punishment, if this is considered suitable. Players accused of any such violent behaviour have the right to bring a representative with them to the hearing and to call witnesses on their behalf.

If during a game a St Mary's player is the victim of deliberate foul play or an assault, the management should make careful notes of the circumstances and of those involved. They should also seek witnesses and record their names and contact details. If the player(s) need medical treatment, which should be facilitated by the team management, this should be noted and details recorded. The incidents should be reported to the rugby committee and Rugby Directorate, immediately after the game. Unless the incidents are trivial and no injury ensues, they should be reported to the appropriate personnel in the LB.IRFU within 24 hours. This action does not preclude persons taking legal action if they deem it necessary.

Prohibited Substances

The use of any performance enhancing substances or drugs before or during a game, is strictly prohibited. Any player suspected of being in breach of this ruling, automatically will be suspended, pending an investigation by the Rugby Directorate, which is empowered to enlist the help of any person or agency, internal or external to the club, to help resolve the issue. The use of alcohol before or during a game also, is prohibited.

The use of drugs within the club confines is strictly prohibited.